COVID Masks for Your E-Learning Characters

Because of the coronavirus, the world looks very different than it did back in January 2020. And your e-learning courses may need to look different, too. You might be creating courses for people on the frontlines of this pandemic, you might be creating courses on how to return to work, or you may want to update courses to simply reflect the new normal. And the new normal, at least for now, likely includes masks.

We’ve created a series of cut-out mask photos that you can place on top of the characters in your e-learning courses, such as characters found in Articulate Storyline 360, Adobe Captivate, or eLearning Brothers subscriptions. You can download and use these masks in your own projects. And in this video tutorial, you’ll get some quick tips on how to make them look good on your characters.

William Everhart
As the E-Learning Authoring Tools Trainer for E-Learning Uncovered, William is focused on helping others to overcome their software challenges. He holds multiple Adobe ACE certifications as well as CompTia's CTT+ certification. William travels the creative and professional learning conference circuits inspiring others to create amazing and educational content.

8 Responses to “COVID Masks for Your E-Learning Characters

  • Christine Gonnella
    5 years ago

    thank you, you are a LIFE saver!!!

    • William Everhart
      5 years ago

      Christine, thank you for your comment and you are very welcome. Glad that we could help.

  • Hello,

    This download is exactly what I need however, my computer blocked this download. Do you have suggestions on how I can download file?

    • William Everhart
      4 years ago

      This is a direct download link from our servers. It sounds like your computer or browser is set to block all file downloads from unknown sources. Unless you temporarily disable this feature, you will not be able to download the files.

  • Sabrina Hendricks
    4 years ago

    Thankyou very much William! Your masks will make creating Covid 19 relevant training possible!

  • Hello, I really enjoyed your video but the link to the download appears to no longer be available. Would you please send it to me. TIA

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