
E-Learning Blog

Using Parallelism in Your E-Learning Courses

In grammar, parallelism (also known as parallel construction or parallel structure) is using two or more similar words, phrases, or...

Straight PowerPoint Conversion?

Straight PowerPoint Conversion?

The promise of PowerPoint conversion tools is that you can take existing content and turn it into e-learning in just a...

DevLearn 2011 – Notes from One ID Challenge and HTML5 Authoring Tool Review

DevLearn 2011 – Notes from One ID Challenge and HTML5 Authoring Tool Review

I was thrilled to be accepted to speak and asked to serve on a panel at my first DevLearn experience! Both...

Training a Teenage Millennial

Training a Teenage Millennial

A couple of months ago I added some family members – my new husband and his two wonderful sons. My...

Interactivity – What Should It Look Like?

Interactivity – What Should It Look Like?

As custom e-learning developers we are also looking to produce the best possible e-learning course that exactly meets our client’s...

Review: DesignJot

Review: DesignJot

DesignJot from Allen Communications is marketed as the first iPad app designed to help build better training. It is a...

Negotiating Out “Nice-to-Know” Information

Negotiating Out “Nice-to-Know” Information

As training developers, our job is to make sure our students get exactly the information they need to meet the...