Posts by Sharon Gutowski

attention-grabbing e-learning

How to Design Attention-Grabbing E-Learning

Every time I sit down to watch a movie, I hear the same opening music that studios have been using...

stock photos in e-learning

Seven Ways to Use Stock Photos in E-Learning

Photos are a powerful tool in e-learning. Unless you can afford custom photo shoots, you likely need to purchase stock...

E-Learning Myths

E-Learning Myths That Won’t Die

E-learning is an extremely flexible tool for employee development. There are dozens of ways you can tailor your e-learning to...

e-learning storyboard

Three Things to Include in Your E-Learning Storyboard

One of the biggest challenges in designing an e-learning course is getting consensus on what should be in the course...

Four Lessons I Learned as a First-Time E-Learning Project Manager

Last spring, I started taking classical guitar lessons. At first, it was a lot to take in: posture, intonation, technique,...

Five Reasons to Use Gamification in E-Learning

A few years ago, my husband and I went to a swanky Christmas party. My friend’s party had been a...

Four Ways to Incorporate Storytelling in Your Next E-Learning Course

Several years ago, frustration with my job search was approaching critical mass. I had many skills, but I couldn’t see...

Tips for Transitioning From Copywriting to E-Learning

I still remember my first time writing for e-learning. It involved a lot of squinting, deleting, and scribbling in my...