How to Write Your First E-Learning Storyboard

What struggles did you face when writing your very first e-learning storyboard? Collecting and organizing your content into a development-ready storyboard can be one of the most difficult tasks during the design process.

In this free webinar recording, I share practical tips and lessons for how to write your first e-learning storyboard.

How to Write Your First E-Learning Storyboard

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Tim Slade

4 Responses to “How to Write Your First E-Learning Storyboard

  • Maggie Cowan
    9 years ago

    Great ideas for developing your own storyboarding process! In my current position, we use a design document and a storyboard. The DD is a word document that lists basic course information (number, title, description, learning objectives, SMEs) and a high-level course outline (topics, sub-topics, what to address, what to stress, where we are planning on including activities or interactions). SMEs review this so we can force them to see content.

    Next we take that approved content outline and storyboard it using PowerPoint. We do quite a bit of the graphic design at this point for a few reasons. 1) Our SMEs are very visual learners. 2) We have a set course player, branding elements, and visual standards. 3) We are a one-stop shop. Our team members are IDs, developers, editors, narrators – we see our courses from start to finish. When presenting the SMEs with the storyboard, we provide them a PDF of the PowerPoint notes view. This helps them focus on the notes instead of the visuals but still gives them an idea of the on screen content.

    For reviewing, we provide a checklist of what to focus on. After the DD phase, we make sure to reiterate that they already approved the content and making major changes will cause delays in their timeline. The first time a SME is set to review course materials, we walk them through it in person or via webex. So far, so good!

  • fadi homsi
    8 years ago

    thank you very much, you were very very helpful,
    I just have a question, we are a new firm with no experience in storyboarding, ID should storyboarding, and programming and they only know how to do that in theory, so isn,t better if they make a quick dirty version using articulate storyline 360 so they can focus on how things will actually appear, additionally there are a lot of complex interactions which its programming will take less time than writing it.

    please forgive my english and thank you very much 🙂

    • Diane Elkins
      8 years ago

      Hello, Fadi, Thanks for your question. There are some organizations who choose not to do a written storyboard, but rather begin building a rough draft directly in their authoring tool. We found that with this approach, reviewers often focus too much on graphics and colors and not enough on the content. But it is a valid approach that some people use.

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